Package org.springbyexample.util.log

Interface Summary
CommonsLoggerAware Interface to be implemented by any object that should have a Apache Commons Logging logger injected using it's interface.
JdkLoggerAware Interface to be implemented by any object that should have a JDK 1.4 logger injected using it's interface.
Log4JLoggerAware Interface to be implemented by any object that should have a Log4J logger injected using it's interface.
LoggerAware<T> Interface to be implemented by any object that should have a logger injected using it's interface.
Slf4JLoggerAware Interface to be implemented by any object that should have an SLF4J logger injected using it's interface.

Class Summary
AnnotationLoggerBeanPostProcessor Injects loggers into new bean instances based on fields marked with AutowiredLogger annotation.
LoggerAwareBeanPostProcessor Injects loggers into new bean instances based on the different LoggerAware interfaces.
LoggerBeanPostProcessor Injects loggers into new bean instances based on reflection.

Annotation Types Summary
AutowiredLogger Marks a field to be autowired with a logger.

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