2. Code Example

The @RunWith annotation is part of JUnit 4 and is set to use SpringJUnit4ClassRunner to run the unit test. The other annotations, except for @Test, are Spring annotations. @ContextConfiguration initializes the Spring context and by default looks for a Spring XML file in the same package as the unit test with the file name the same as the class with '-context.xml' as a suffix (ex: PersonDaoTransactionUnitTest-context.xml.). @TransactionConfiguration and @Transactional configure transactions for the tests.

The method with @Test is the main test method which saves a person in a transaction. The method with @BeforeTransaction is run before the transaction starts and the method with @AfterTransaction is run after the transaction ends. They both use SimpleJdbcTemplate to directly check the database and avoid any caching Hibernate might be performing.

Example 1. PersonDaoTransactionUnitTest

public class PersonDaoTransactionUnitTest extends AbstractTransactionalJUnit4SpringContextTests {

    final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(PersonDaoTransactionUnitTest.class);
    protected static int SIZE = 2;
    protected static Integer ID = new Integer(1);
    protected static String FIRST_NAME = "Joe";
    protected static String LAST_NAME = "Smith";
    protected static String CHANGED_LAST_NAME = "Jackson";

    protected PersonDao personDao = null;
     * Tests that the size and first record match what is expected 
     * before the transaction.
    public void beforeTransaction() {
        testPerson(true, LAST_NAME);

     * Tests person table and changes the first records last name.
    public void testHibernateTemplate() throws SQLException {
        assertNotNull("Person DAO is null.", personDao);
        Collection<Person> lPersons = personDao.findPersons();
        assertNotNull("Person list is null.", lPersons);
        assertEquals("Number of persons should be " + SIZE + ".", SIZE, lPersons.size());
        for (Person person : lPersons) {
            assertNotNull("Person is null.", person);
            if (ID.equals(person.getId())) {                
                assertEquals("Person first name should be " + FIRST_NAME + ".", FIRST_NAME, person.getFirstName());
                assertEquals("Person last name should be " + LAST_NAME + ".", LAST_NAME, person.getLastName());

     * Tests that the size and first record match what is expected 
     * after the transaction.
    public void afterTransaction() {
        testPerson(false, LAST_NAME);

     * Tests person table.
    protected void testPerson(boolean beforeTransaction, String matchLastName) {
        List<Map<String, Object>> lPersonMaps = jdbcTemplate.queryForList("SELECT * FROM PERSON");

        assertNotNull("Person list is null.", lPersonMaps);
        assertEquals("Number of persons should be " + SIZE + ".", SIZE, lPersonMaps.size());

        Map<String, Object> hPerson = lPersonMaps.get(0);

        logger.debug((beforeTransaction ? "Before" : "After") + " transaction.  " + hPerson.toString());
        Integer id = (Integer)hPerson.get("ID");
        String firstName = (String)hPerson.get("FIRST_NAME");
        String lastName = (String)hPerson.get("LAST_NAME");
        if (ID.equals(id)) {                
            assertEquals("Person first name should be " + FIRST_NAME + ".", FIRST_NAME, firstName);
            assertEquals("Person last name should be " + matchLastName + ".", matchLastName, lastName);