Spring by Example http://www.springbyexample.org/ Spring by Example is for Spring developers to collaborate by sharing Spring configuration and code examples. en-us Copyright 2008 by contributing authors Spring by Administrator [twiki@springbyexample.org] The contributing authors of Spring by Example Spring by Example Spring by Example http://www.springbyexample.org/ http://www.springbyexample.org/twiki/pub/TWiki/TWikiLogos/T-logo-140x40-t.gif Simple Grails Webapp http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/simple-grails-webapp.html This is a simple Grails web application with a basic form to create and edit a person and addresses. 2009-12-25T03:00:00Z David Winterfeldt Spring by Example http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/ All examples have been upgraded to use Spring 3.0.x except for 'AspectJ Load-time Weaving', the GWT examples, and the Spring dm Server (OSGi) examples. These other examples will be updated as soon as possible. The Spring web applications have all been upgraded to use the new Spring MVC namespace. Also a new Grails example has been added. All Spring by Example modules were upgraded to use Spring 3.0. Maven group and artifact IDs were standardized to follow Spring naming conventions, so at least all artifact IDs have changed. 2009-12-25T03:00:00Z David Winterfeldt Simple Flex Webapp http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/simple-flex-webapp.html The simple Flex webapp is based on the 'Simple Spring MVC Form Annotation Configuration Webapp'. It's the same except the HTML results on the search page have been replaced with a Flex application and services for Flex were configured on the server using Spring BlazeDS Integration and Adobe BlazeDS. 2009-06-01T05:00:00Z David Winterfeldt Simple Spring Integration http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/simple-spring-integration.html This example uses Spring Integration to process a book order and appropriately route the message depending on if it's a pickup from the store or it should be delivered. 2009-06-01T05:00:00Z David Winterfeldt Solr Client http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/solr-client.html Spring by Example Utils's HttpClientTemplate, HttpClientOxmTemplate, and SolrOxmClient are used for making different Apache Solr client requests (search, update, delete, commit, rollback, optimize). Solr provides an XML based API over HTTP to the Apache Lucene search engine. 2009-04-08T04:30:00Z David Winterfeldt Spring by Example Util's SolrOxmClient http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/spring-by-example-utils-module-solroxmclient.html The SolrOxmClient was added to Spring by Example Utils. It is used for making different Apache Solr client requests, and is built on top of HttpClientTemplate and HttpClientOxmTemplate. Solr provides an XML based API over HTTP to the Apache Lucene search engine. The SolrOxmClient marshalls/unmarshalls searches and updates to and from a JavaBean, and it also allows calls to commit, rollback, and optimize. 2009-04-08T04:30:00Z David Winterfeldt Best Practices update for 'Simple Spring MVC Form Annotation Configuration Webapp' http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/simple-spring-mvc-form-annotation-config-webapp.html The example 'Simple Spring MVC Form Annotation Configuration Webapp' was updated based on the best practices for Spring MVC annotation based configuration presented by Rossen Stoyanchev at SpringOne. Rossen along with Keith Donald and the rest of the web team helped put together what they consider best practices for using Spring MVC annotations based on their experience and interaction with many use case scenarios from Spring users. Thanks to Rossen Stoyanchev for helping with this. The example was also updated to use JPA. 2009-03-08T04:30:00Z David Winterfeldt Spring Modules Validation http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/spring-modules-validation-module.html This module is based on Spring Modules Validation Version 0.9 and has a number of enhancements to the Valang part of the project. A few key enhancements are where clause support, enum support, and a number of performance enhancements (such as bytecode generation). Currently none of the enhancements were added to the custom JSP tag that generates JavaScript. 2009-03-08T04:30:00Z David Winterfeldt A Practical Introduction to Inversion of Control http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/intro-to-ioc.html Along with a preface and a basic explanation of Inversion of Control (IoC) and Dependency Injection (previous to this example), a basic introduction to IoC was added. It show basic bean creation, constructor & setter injection, creating a Spring application, and Spring unit test using XML based configuration. 2009-03-08T04:30:00Z David Winterfeldt Spring by Example PDF http://www.springbyexample.org/ The examples are now available as a PDF as well as still being available online as HTML. Hopefully this will make it more convenient for those that would like to browse the site offline. The link to the PDF is on the home page. 2009-02-02T05:00:00Z David Winterfeldt Spring JMX http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/spring-jmx.html JMX is good way to expose parts of your application for monitoring and management. Spring also provides support for exposing JMX for remote management (JSR-160) and creating a client to manage it. This example registers a Spring bean as a JMX MBean, exposes the JMX server over RMI, and creates a client to access it. 2009-02-02T04:00:00Z David Winterfeldt JPA Joined Inheritance http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/jpa-joined-inheritance.html This shows a JPA configuration for inheritance. There are three different types, which are single table, joined, and table per class. This example uses joined inheritance. Joined inheritance involves a base table for shared fields and a table for each subclass. There is a Person class that is the parent for Student and Professional. 2009-02-02T04:00:00Z David Winterfeldt One to Many JPA Hibernate Configuration http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/one-to-many-jpa-hibernate-config.html This is a one-to-many JPA configuration that can to find, save, and update a record. Hibernate is used as the JPA provider. There is a Person that has a one-to-many relationship to Address. 2009-02-02T04:00:00Z David Winterfeldt Embedded Spring Web Services http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/embedded-spring-web-services.html When running a standalone application, there might be a need to have it controlled by web services. This example shows how to configure an embedded Jetty instance to run your Spring Web Services and still allow the embedded Spring Web Services context reference the main application context as a parent. 2009-02-02T04:00:00Z David Winterfeldt Velocity E-mail Template http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/velocity-email-template.html A Velocity template is used to generate the body of an e-mail and then is sent using Spring mail sender. 2009-02-02T04:00:00Z David Winterfeldt Simple Spring JMS http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/simple-spring-jms.html This is a very simple example using a Spring JMS Template to send messages and also having a JMS listener process the messages sent. An embedded ActiveMQ instance is used as the broker. 2009-01-07T05:00:00Z David Winterfeldt Spring dm Server Simple Spring MVC http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/sdms-simple-message-service.html This is an application with a simple form for creating and editing a Person. There is a PAR bundle which has a DataSource bundle, Person DAO bundle using JPA, and a web module using Spring MVC annotations, Tiles, and internationalization. It was made to be deployed on the Spring dm Server in the Eclipse IDE. 2008-12-16T06:00:00Z David Winterfeldt Simple Spring Web Services using JAXB for Marshalling http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/sdms-simple-message-service.html A very simple example of using Spring Web Services 1.5.x with JAXB for marshalling and unmarshalling requests. A JAXB plugin for Maven is used to generate the JAXB beans from and XSD and the XSD is reused to generate a WSDL. The response from the server sends a person list, but could easily be modified to retrieve person based on an ID. Note: The example was updated to use non-deprecated classes to dynamically generate a WSDL from the XSD and the JAXB Fluent API is also used for less verbose construction of person responses. 2008-12-11T23:00:00Z David Winterfeldt Spring dm Server Simple Message Service http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/sdms-simple-message-service.html There are three OSGi bundles in this example. Two are different versions of a bundle that exposes a message interface as an OSGi service. Each bundle depends on a different version of Commons Lang to demonstrate the side-by-side versioning capabilities of OSGi. The third bundle is a web module that displays the result from calling the OSGi message service. The example was made to be deployed on the Spring dm Server. 2008-12-05T20:00:34Z David Winterfeldt Spring Bayeux GWT Trade Monitor Webapp http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/spring-bayeuex-gwt-monitor-webapp.html The Trade Monitor has a client that allows dynamic subscriptions to trade summary information for a stock symbol. The data is random buys and sells generated on the server by a timer. The example has GWT & Dojo Cometd integration on the client and Spring Bayeux integration on the server. The GWT part of the client handles display and client interaction, but calls out to external JavaScript to let Dojo Cometd handle Bayeux publish/subscribe on the client. The Spring by Example Web Module is used for it's Bayeux support to configure the Bayeux Trade Monitor Service. 2008-12-05T20:00:34Z David Winterfeldt Spring Bayeux GWT Chat Webapp http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/spring-bayeuex-gwt-chat-webapp.html The chat example allows a client to send and receive messages published to a chat channel and also to see a list of the other chat clients. The example has GWT & Dojo Cometd integration on the client and Spring Bayeux integration on the server. The GWT part of the client handles display and client interaction, but calls out to external JavaScript to let Dojo Cometd handle Bayeux publish/subscribe on the client. The Spring by Example Web Module is used for it's Bayeux support to configure the Bayeux Chat Service. 2008-12-05T20:00:34Z David Winterfeldt Spring by Example Web Module http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/spring-by-example-web-module.html The Spring by Example Web module has added a Spring GWT Controller for standard GWT usage and also Spring Bayeux integration for using Comet on Jetty. 2008-10-22T20:00:34Z David Winterfeldt Spring by Example Custom ServletContext Scope Module http://www.springbyexample.org/examples/custom-servlet-context-scope-module.html The Spring by Example Custom ServletContext Scope module is a custom scope implementation for providing ServletContext (web application) scoped beans. 2008-10-22T20:00:34Z David Winterfeldt Spring Modules with Commons Configuration http://www.springbyexample.org/twiki/bin/view/Example/SpringModulesWithCommonsConfiguration Spring Modules Jakarta Commons example loading properties from a database. This example will show you how to use a DatabaseConfiguration from the Jakarta Commons Configurations project to load the Database Properties into your application context. (last changed by DanielP) 2008-09-11T07:59:34Z DanielP